Why I've been quiet about MeToo and Time's Up

Truth is, I've been quiet about the MeToo and Time’s Up movements only because they strike so deeply into the heart of my life's path.

For many years now I have been traveling from survivor to thriver — My Guiding Star has been to be strong so that I can be soft. I would even whisper those words to myself on occasion, ‘I have to be strong so that I can be soft’ as I endeavored to be brave on behalf of tenderness. What is your Guiding Star?  I hope that you have one . . .

Last winter, I published the Daily Activist’s Log as a way to contribute to the activism that was stirring in all of us. It is a “morning page” created to strengthen our individual and collective resolve. After all, great rivers are made up of tiny drops of water as they make their way to the ocean. And with that in mind, I had the idea that if many of us start our day this way, we will make progress for ourselves and for humanity. It continues to surprise me, and strengthens my heart, to know that thousands of women (and men) downloaded the Daily Activist’s Log from my website and now begin their day with this powerful pause. Many of you are among them. Thank you.

These days I’m turning my attention towards thriving. And so, in honor of the activism that has risen up in all of us, I'm offering up the Daily Activist's Log for just one more week. I'll be archiving it on February 22 to make room for a new morning page I’m calling the Fulfillment Journal.

Please keep strengthening the muscle of your activism.

And always remember to make breakfast. Make love. Make some trouble on behalf of beauty, truth, and goodness.

Thank you for everything you do to keep putting power in the hands of love.

Blessings, Lyedie

To whomever deserves credit for the photo in this blog . . . This image enchanted me and I have no idea where I got it from, so if you are the artist, please contact me so I can give you credit. Thanks!