Starting your day with a potent pause . . .

It's up!! The Fulfillment Journal is now freely available to you as you start your day!

These are crazy times we are living in. Normalcy has been pitched out of our political system. People are describing to me how they are reeling from the effects of disruptive uncertainty and paralyzed by the hungry ghosts in the relentless news feed. Daring greatly is called for now, and our deepest longings and callings can seem audacious. With the Fulfillment Journal I offer you a practice that is simple and sustainable. Working with it for 10 minutes each morning will help you keep replenishing your resolve to fulfill your longing, to make your contribution, and to enjoy the gift of living on this beautiful planet.

Click here to download this basic version of my Fulfillment Journal to help you start your day with what deeply matters to you. I'm a big believer in starting with a pause to connect, reflect, replenish, and then set a trajectory for your day. Begin to develop the habit of dropping in with this page on a daily basis . . . but if you find yourself struggling to forge that discipline, don't worry—many have reported that it provides a significant uplift when they are feeling un-tethered or discouraged, however often they remember to make use of it.

This is a potent practice:

3/1/2017 Dear Lyedie, I have been using your 10 minute practice for several weeks now,
and have found it immensely, wonderfully inspiring :)

3/27/2018 - Dear Lyedie, Now looking back over the year I can see that your 10 minute practice is what got me started with finding this dream job overseas and getting started on this new project.

Yes! This is the small stuff that reverberates . . . builds on itself  . . . and generates transformation.

Please be brave enough to tune in to your deepest longings . . . And always remember to make breakfast. Make love. Make some trouble on behalf of beauty, truth, and goodness.

Thank you for everything you do to keep putting power in the hands of love.

Warmly, Lyedie

I hope you have found this helpful in some way. If you are looking to make a shift in your approach to life — to developing your resilience and to getting on to fulfilling  those longings, click here to learn more about working with me. Or click here to schedule a free 20 minute discovery session with me.