
Working the creative process—getting to know it better and use that knowledge effectively—is at the heart of the work I do with artists and creative entrepreneurs. Finding and forging new ways to place work in the marketplace and promote it successfully—taking the work to the next level of recognition—is a critical part of the challenge that artists generally bring to our work together. Here are some examples that might also be relevant for you:

  • Responding to the call of the work

  • Opening more fully and consistently to “the muse”

  • Being guided by inspiration and grounded in practicality

  • Managing time in a way that supports creativity

  • Developing the capacity for discipline that is required to manifest anything

  • Cultivating a devoted following and finding powerful representation

  • Wrestling earnestly with issues of sustainability and emergence

At the outset, I ask simply that you begin to see your self as an instrument of creativity, an instrument that is somehow longing to fulfill an essential promise. Everything we take up in our work together—from the practical, to the sublime, to the seemingly ridiculous—flows from that.