Look for the Glimmers

Here is a little noticing practice for living in the midst of this gorgeous ruckus.

As you go through your day look for the glimmers*. Your list may be long — filled with things to figure out, problems to solve, tasks to accomplish, people to get back to, groceries to shop for, but there’s always room for a glimmer. What constitutes a glimmer you might say . . .

A glimmer is the opposite of a trigger

A glimmer is a small moment of goodness, truth, or beauty

Glimmers inspire your thinking

Glimmers warm your heart

Glimmers cue a degree of safety, serve to regulate your nervous system

Glimmers can transform busyness into fullness. Each day brings with it hundreds of glimmers. Noticing glimmers is a powerful healing practice that adds up over time. Becoming a glimmer seeker will change your brain and your life

Remember to look for the glimmers. It is easy to forget until you make it a habit.


Photo by Elizabeth Ungerleider, with gratitude
* The concept of glimmers from Sarah Jackson, with gratitude